Hey everyone,

This week I wanted to share this article I found in the MIT Technology Review about Roboy: a robot with plastic "muscles".

Roboy is an attempt to create a robot that mimics human movement. Instead of the precise, calculated movements that are characteristic of traditional robots, Roboy moves in a very natural way since his design is based on the human body.

I thought that this article was interesting because Roboy seems like a really important step towards making androids like Rachel from Blade Runner a reality.

Here is the link to the article:

-Mark Craig

10/6/2013 10:44:13 am

I wonder if this technology could be used for prosthetics to move more naturally for amputees...?

10/7/2013 05:32:53 pm

Very interesting! I also agree it could make someone like Rachel very possible? Also helpful for amputees!


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