I recently found this article pop up on my facebook feed: http://www.connie-zhou.com/asian-american-awakening/

the article is a very unique and in-depth perspective of being not an Asian, nor a Caucasion, but an Asian-American in the US. I could not describe the experience better than Connie Zhou. From being good at math to being a FOB (even if you were born in the US), we Asians experience a special kind of racism and prejudice that is usually overlooked and buried under the more infamous racism towards African-Americans and other races. But, I completely agree with Connie's view of Asian Americans as "the forgotten minority". We are equally subject to prejudices and stereotypes, but that is exactly what shapes who we are. As she ends nicely in her closing lines, "Let this be the moment when you realize you’re not white nor are you solely Asian, you’re Asian-American (and cue cheesy sap music)."

-Judy Wang

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