I don't think we should forget the past because the past is a valuable source of knowledge. We learn from the past, which we have, in a way, created through our choices. If we forget the past, we will not remember the mistakes we made or the success we have gained. We will not be able to draw from past experiences to approach future problems. We would approach everything with a new mind, which may not be efficient. It is our past that shapes who we are as unique individuals. We learn from our mistakes and we learn from our successes. We take these two experiences and call them whenever they are needed to accomplish something at hand. Forgetting the past will make us less individualistic. 

We should also live for the future. Without a sense of direction, we have no purpose in living; we would have nothing to look forward to. Living for the future sets a goal for us and we will want to strive until we reach that goal. Even if we accomplish a goal, we always have more things that we want to do in life. 

Jason Li

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