Prompt: If you were to adopt a child, would you adopt one of a different race?
Why or why not?

Honestly, I would adopt a child of my own race. This is because I'm trying to think logically and reality. I mean, yes, it would be nice to adopt a child of another race, but I figured, this is mostly about the child, not me. I believe that one must realize what the child will be going through and how you want to raise your child so that they feel belonged and loved, regardless of what they look, etc. But, if I did adopt a child of another race, in the beginning, as babies, it may seem normal to them. But as they grow older, they will come to realize that I am a different race of my child and thus the adopted child would begin to question and what to know their true identity and might want to know who their parents were or would want to connect with their race more than mine. Because of societal norms in general, the adopted child is definitely going to question, i'm pretty sure sooner or later to which race/ identity they would belong to because their parents are one race and they are another. To prevent uncertainty in my adopted child's feeling of identity,  I thus would adopt a child of my race because in part of raising a child, your culture plays a big role in shaping your child. Because my race has a certain type of culture, this culture is made me to who I am today.  Thus, I would be raising my child with the culture that I grew up with...thus it would allow my child to identify with our culture and thus our race.
-Syeda Fareeda Inamdar

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