I do feel that women are sometimes underestimated, as not being as smart as men. That is one of the principle reasons why many women do not pursue careers in technology also I feel that it is considered a hard field in which it is specifically designed for men. However, women are just as capable as men to go into a technological field and work alongside men. Now I feel like more women are taking the initiative and aspiring technological careers. These few women that are going into this field are breaking the barrier set between men and women and I admire them because it helps create a sense that women and men are just as smart. It also helps to break the stereotype that women are supposed to stay at home and tend the house, when in reality women can aspire to go to college and work alongside men in the industry. I feel like in a few years there will be as many women in the industry or technological fields as their are men. The reason being that more and more women are choosing to go to college and create a name for themselves rather than be a stay at home mother. I would love to see the day in which the ratio between women and men in the technological field is equal.

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