I LOVE THIS. I just followed lyrics born on twitter! I'm so excited that I'm not sure if this blog will have correct grammer, but I just have to say how awesome this short read was! Who knew that 140 characters could explain it all? Coming from a girl that was born and raised in the Bay Area I really enjoyed Lyrics Born twitter poetry. His interpretations and visual perceptions of the Bay Area was very true, or should I say "on point". His use of visuals (photos of bart, signs that read "broakland", cars with massive amounts of cardboard) and his use of 140 characters truly describe the many sightings and events that occur here in all parts of the bay area.  Many people who aren't from the Bay Area may think that some of his short twitter poems are untrue or too absurd to even be true. But I can tell you that his poems described my childhood and what I grew up around. I do agree that coming from the Bay Area makes you unique. There isn't another place in the world I don't think? That is so open to new things that may seem weird but also the fact that there isn't another place in this world that is so diverse like the Bay Area. Lyrics born is right in that the Bay Area houses so many different communities. That is what makes us not only different but special.  In all honesty, I've never been outside of the Bay Area, so that is all I know. But in your opinion (if you live/been outside of the bay area) how are your/other communities alike/different than the Bay Area? Do you like it here in the Bay? Why/Why not?

Janice Le
10/6/2013 10:35:03 am

I'm so glad you enjoyed Lyrics Born's book, Janice! I've only lived in the Bay Area for about five years, but I could definitely identify with so many of his posts, and they definitely made me smile.


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